Marler Guitars circa 1985 to 2005

“Start date: The beginning manufacture date is hard to pinpoint. Mike Marler made his first electric guitar out of a toilet seat as a joke around 1977.

Approximately 1985 he started to get serious about making acoustic guitars and started numbering some of his guitars. He began accumulating so many around his house he started giving them away to his friends as he did not feel they were worthy of sale to the public.At Ser. #25 (made in 1999 – which I own) he decided to go public. He started selling his work in 2000.
End Date: May 2005 upon Mike passing away.


All Marler guitars were made in Portales, NM where Mike lived his entire life. They were made at his home at first on his kitchen table and later in the shop that he built.

Most of his guitars were dated on an interior tag.
There really is no such thing as a used Marler. People just don’t sell them and if they did the price would be astronomical. The last one sold was a demo unit that was out on consignment when Mike passed away.

Ironically that went to a man in Australia that paid $4000.00 and flew here to get it. One owner that had multiple Marler’s traded another Marler owner.
Those are the only movements I know of."