
Fully Hollow Body, Fully Hand Carved
Two Lollar Imperial Humbuckers
From Chris Mirabella of NY, this is a fully one-man, hand-made Jazz/Blues/Fusion archtop Strat model. The builder is the preeminate expert and restorer of the great archtops by D'Angelico and Jimmy D'Aquisto, and those instruments, especially D'Aquisto, have had a great influence on Mirabella's own instruments. This guitar is fully hollow-body, with completely hand carved top and back, tap tuned and voiced, and parallel braced, out of flame maple and Sitka spruce. Pickups are Lollar imperial humbuckers, with volume, tone, two coil tap, coil taps, and pickup selector switch. It's in like-new condition and has been completely gone through and setup by Cris Mirabella. The amount of imagination and careful master luthiery that went into building this fine instrument is impressive.

Schoenberg Guitars

Schoenberg Guitars

Light Burst
16 Years
Schoenberg Guitars
Eric Schoenberg
Tiburon, CA
5:08 AM
Tuesday & Wednesday 11:00 - 6:00 Thursday 11:00 - 7:30 Friday & Saturday 11:00 - 5:30 Sunday 11:00 - 5:00

Our "Cash price" policy: unfortunately, the credit card companies support "swiped" charges in which the card is physically run through the card reader. Phone-in charges are charged at a much higher rate (to the seller) which can take quite a big chunk out of a high-dollar sale. Thus, for those call-in sales, let's discuss the issue at the time; hopefully, we can figure some way to deal with it.